Monday, June 9, 2014

All day trail clearing on the NCT!

The weather was predicted to be perfect for trail work, so on Sunday morning we headed to Gardner RD south of Mass City to do some clearing on our section of the North County trail.
Gee whiz, we needed to clear the road in!

Blazes we put up last year.
Some looked brand new while others already showed weathering.

This is how a corner is marked.

Arly didn't want to cut this pine down but nothing
was keeping it up!

Its up against that marked tree which will protect him when it falls.
Its going down!
His larger saw should have been used but the pole saw
 will suffice.

Ya, this machine gets lots of use out here!
With just two of us out today, we can't carry it all in.

We stop for snacks.

I got kibble....

Now Arly takes all the limbs off so we can get it off the trail.

That's what I like to see!
More limbing.
How do people get the trail cleared without a pole-saw
like this??
Sandy and l lop and get the limbs off

We spied this interesting looking fellow along the way.
He's got a fly!

Ok, now its late so we tuned around and
whacked our way back clearing shoots.
Arly traded the saw attachment for a end that cuts these
 shoots right off.

The whole pack is out of gas and so is the power unit,
so we hiked our way back.

I can't wait to get back in and relax..
No more squirrel chasing or me!

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