Sunday, November 23, 2014

Perrault Lake adventure ski and CC Sports stop

On Saturday warm temps were predicted which snow dogs don't appreciate. Despite that, in the morning we headed west to back country ski around Perrault Lake.
We park along highway 26 because the road in is never plowed.

Snow dogs don't need no plowing anyway.
I'm just a black dot on the horizon.
You people are slow!

I do some deep snow bounding and burn some energy off.

OK, now a problem arises...

This warm weather is creating snow balls on my coat.

I think they're tasty!

Time for more de-balling.

Sandy cleared a grooming spot for me.

OK,  let's go!

Oh, wait....

I'm getting all balled up again!

We went to see the fen.

Then we headed back to the car.

Carrying extra weight in snow balls is not trail mutt

After a lunch break at home, we headed north to Calumet...

We visited the friendly people at Cross Country Sports.
I even got to see kids. I love them!

We had to drop off tickets for the Music Jam,
plus I needed Rick to scratch my ears some.

Oh yeah, that's the spot.

We inspected Kiko's delaminated skis.

Hey! You can take ME skiing....I'm friendly!

Lorri provided info on the night sky art.

When will I see you again, Kara?

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