Sunday, May 11, 2014

1st NCT adventure of spring!

Saturday was warm so I egged my pack south where there was less snow for the 1st "real" hike of the summer. OK maybe we only did about 6 miles...
These guys are slow pokes, where as I was born ready.
This is were we started hiking east.

I found lots of stuff to leap and bound over.

More trees across the trail. It was a tough winter!

This was a nice, rolling trail segment.

Weeoo a cool creek to lay in and drink.

Maybe we need a sawyer here?

More across the trail. 

At the FS road crossing.

We even found snow to roll in!

A brown creek full of tannin.
That stuff makes it look like tea.

I spied interesting red fungus growing here.

Did someone forgot to nail a blaze on...or did the tree spit it out?

About three miles east, we turned back after they rested on a log.
I didn't need no rest!

Trail mutts don't need no stinkin' log crossing.

Spring is when hunting is best!

We spied tracks left a while ago.

A nice little lake along the way

We said hi to a prickly fellow high in a tree.

And a funny looking tree.

Yet another good cooling stop.

We'd never been on this section before.

We worked our way through an old blow-down area.

Good thing the trilliums will be blooming  soon! 

Special notice!  After 15+ years with the old email address we switched to G mail and many addresses were lost when we installed new email software. 
You can now email Arlyn at. arlyn.aronson(at)

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