Sunday, August 13, 2017

Day one of NCT segment 34 clearing!

We went south out of town to South Laird road to help these guys clear a portion of the North Country Trail, near Alston.
Doug explains how his classic DR mower works.

She really cut them weeds down!

He got most of the parking lot cleared before it broke down. 
Oh well.

Next, we got into trail clearing heading west, from the parking lot.

Someone had cut through the down falls, saving us that work.
Even so, it was a mess!

Oh ya, after Doug got the parking lot mowed and the
 first section was cleared, it was time for lunch.

After lunch, just a short ways in, these dead falls
had been across the trail for years.  Gone!

We stop for a break.  Ya Marj, I don't get out much,
or have anyone rub me good.

Ya Linda, I was just saying no one ever touches me.

Many, many leaners and dead-falls were removed today.

Down now, rather than this winter.

Hey! Everyone is having a snack but me.

I took dips in Wiggle creek. 
It's brown with tannins.

Late in the afternoon, we hiked out.

It was adventure filled! 
Plus we also got more than a mile cleared.

We bid our farewells and made plans to do more later.

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