Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Memorial weekend hikes and camp.

We celebrated Memorial weekend by camping and hiking some of the North Country Trail we'd not been on before.
Wally!  Can't you see the camper is being loaded?
You best get your butt down here, or puppies be left behind!

We went to a location in the Trap Hills we'd not been to before,
near White Pine MI.
The parking lot was so overgrown, we could hardly get into it.

So the saw came out and branches came down.

An hour later, it was cleaned up some so we could back in.

It was a nice cozy spot.
The NFS road was a dead-end and just one car went by.

Not a nice large spot like we have on Gardner RD,
but nice just the same.
We even had a stream right next to us.

Supper was our usual camp treat - steak over the open fire.
The two legged types eat lots of salads and vegetables.

Yes supper was late...it gets dark at around 9:30 these days.

MMM camp breakfast.
We still have our bug gear on as you can see.

Camp was nestled between two peaks of the Trap Hills.

Hey! Some friendly back packers stopped in, just to see us.

Turns out they are also from Houghton.
They are on the last leg of a 4-day trip.

C'mon! Let's go already.

We headed for the junction with the Gogebic Ridge Trail, first.

Maple and thimbleberry whips are doing well in this stretch.

Oh ya Wally, we can cool down here.

Here's where the NCT meets the end of the Gogebic Ridge Trail.

More cooling stops were found.

After we crossed a stream that passed through a large culvert,
we spied this "bridge to nowhere".
Must have been moved for the culvert/road construction???

Here's where the trail meets Old M-64.

We didn't hike the Gogebic Ridge Trail here.
We took the road back to the NCT.

Trilliums are in full bloom!

Ferns are coming out as well.
Here, we're back on the NCT as you can tell by the blue blaze.

At the top of Bergland Hill, we can see the light coming through.
There are towers here.

Seems this pebble we found along the trail, fell off the hill.  It's rhyolite.

Someone has been dining on bugs, in the old log.
We had a nice 9 mile hike today.

On the drive out, we spied a stop sign with a tasty post.
Bears aren't the smartest sticks in da woods.

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