Sunday, December 24, 2017

Snow romps and Christmas

It's been a busy week here with snow, tussles in the house, and Christmas and all.
We could play tug-o-war morning, noon, and night...oh wait we do!

We got out for a romp at Maasto again.
We met lots of friendly skiers and 4-leggeds here!

We went by the Christmas tree.
We didn't find any presents under it, today.

Hi John! Fancy meeting you here at the triangle.  

What does she see? I better check it out.

OK, let's go!

I like to run with Gromit... She's my mentor.

...although it's still kinda hard to keep up!

We had such a nice ski. We made it to the west side of Mud Lake.

Oh, I had to get a taste of my favorite Swedetown Creek.

OK, time to get back to the trail.

Hey! This is kinda hard when you have short little legs.
This trail mutt stuff is lots harder that you would imagine!

Whew, Sandy helped me find another way back up...
I could still have been out there!

I'm super tired now....which makes me get very, very, annoying.

Why won't he just let me bite it?
Everything is good when you can bite it.

Gee, it sure is pretty down there.
When we got home, we were sleepy.
Why do they always say, "tired dogs, are good dogs"?

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