Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Snow dance!


These pictures were taken last winter duirng a moon light ski and bon fire.  We had so much fun, we're doing it again!

Keweenaw Nordic Ski Club's originally scheduled moonlight ski will now be a bonfire and snow dance. We'll still meet on Saturday, December 3rd  at 6:30 PM. Come on out to the Chalet located at the Houghton County Fair grounds in Hancock,  KNSC will provide refreshments and a light meal to say "thanks" to the numerous trail supporters and volunteers.  For the evening's special entertainment, all skiers will perform a Heikki Lunta dance so we can have deep fresh snow to roll in.  You know I love that at least belly deep.  So we'll have to do lots of dancing!     For more information, you can email my pack or call.   My paws don't do keyboards well.   370-2911 or  arlyn  @  superiortandems.com
I'm in my glory...in the middle of all the kids!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Fencing up the trails!

 John Diebel must be given credit for rounding up a herd to build the temporary fence we do each fall that separates the ski trial from the sled trail. 

With all the help, we got it done in record time!
Ya, pull that a little tighter.

Add another zip tie there.

 With the fencing job done, we headed into the gorge and removed one tree that was smooching in on the trail. (Ok, maybe the creeks bank was moving)

I'd like to personally thank everyone who helped and threw some sticks for me!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

My favorite thing is back: DEEP Snow!

OK this wasn't our 1st ski of the year...that was a few nights ago. It was fun to be out in some fresh snow. But today was tops! Wow did I have fun!  I'm in my glory while in fresh DEEP snow!

Leaping and bounding, my specialties.

I think I see vermin up there!

Arly needed to rest so I kept him company.


She had a head start on me, I didn't stay behind her long.

Isn't snow beautiful?

 These were all taken at Twin Lakes state Forest today.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Pine Tar and sawing into the ski season

With the ski season upon us, Keweenaw Nordic had a Pine Tar clinic for anyone who cared to learn about that process. Since I love all skiers, I was glad to see this class offered.  They seemed enthusiastic just like me!

Today my pack was out clearing one last trail, so that part of trail work should be done. Of course I just LOVE being in the woods and new snow makes me giddy.

This Grizzly is being setup right now and will be the clubs latest and greatest towing machine.  Although "Grizzlies" are scary to me!

This post  was just completed that will hold the drag up off the trail when not in use.  They keep working to improve the skiing on these trails.  I just love to run in the snow!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Near the end!

In some wonderful fall weather, a modest sized but very friendly crew was behind the Hancock cemetery and cleaned up that weedy section of trail.  After that was done, since so much pent up enthusiasm was remaining, we moved to clean up the RR grade near the chalet, plus the Quincy loop. Shoots, weeds and limbs were all cleared up to get these trails ready for skiing!   Do you know how much I love skiing??   Please thank the Wheeler fam when you see them!!

Annika and Barbara threw the stick for me when they weren't working.

I helped by watching for vermin for Sandy on the Quincy loop.

After a along day on the trail,  its really hard to stay awake!

 On Friday, this motley crew was at the Tomasi trail head and planted a 12 ft post there to hold the drag up and off the trail when it's not in use. Please thank Jonathon Rulseh when you see him for his gracious help. Now just the hardware needs to be reinstalled (and more snow needs to fall) and it's ready for use!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Another NCT Adventure Hike

The pack gathered up on Sunday to explore the section of the North Country Trail starting above the Victoria Dam near Rockland MI. We hiked west, up and down many hills, in and out of the wind, passing by many old mining adits, and even scaring up a few grouse. It was an adventure filled day!

Overlooking Victoria reservoir
Friends ask "its flat there right?" 

Old & new trail markers that were updated this summer.
We seen lots of blue paint!

Blasting drill holes.  We'd guess to be so old,

                                         they were drilled by hand.

How can we get lost?
Old mine site.

Lots of blue tail markers here!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

News from the Gorge

Today with the irreplaceable help of Saurav Pathak and Mark Roberts, the pack and I cleared the remaining weeds in the Swedetown gorge, plus we cut many limbs and branches that had fallen onto the trail.  I myself moved many sticks and saw some very, very friendly people down there.   Who'd not want to be in the gorge with gorgeous weather like this!!   

Before we started today, we found the area around the storage building at Tomasi Trailhead to have been "magically" cleaned of debris...many thanks to the magician who made this happen. You may know him: his name is David Bach.
This is what I like!

Da crew.

Oh that looks good.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A bridge to better sking.

Some of my favorite trail friends came out this week to help make sure  the decking on one of the aging bridges on Maasto Hiihto's River Trail would not cave in this winter. I was so glad that Dave and Eric could put their building skills to work!
Bad boards on their way out.



One of my other favorite trail friends, Jay, came out with Arly today to finish up the Tomasi Trailhead sign project. The sign had to be taken down this summer because it  was in the way of the storage building.    But it also needed some TLC!  So my trail friends Wayne and Glen spearheaded an effort to re-plant the singe,  put a brand spanking new signage and map on the board, and re-attach the roof.   Last to do was re-tinning, which is what Jay and Arly did.  Doesn't it look grand?  This makes me think that snow will be here soon!
It even matches the new storage shed!