Sunday, February 24, 2013

Ya we got snow

It's been snowing here and you should know, I'm a snow dog.
This is my pal "looney" who lives on the garage roof. 
He seems to be digging his own hole.

Me and my pack out enjoying it.

On Saturday morning Arly had to groom,  I didn't like not getting out early but then, I like groomed trails too so that's OK.  In the afternoon we headed west to ski around little Perreault Lake.  It's just a few miles from town. 
Ya, this is how I like it.
I see vermin everywhere.

I lead the way to deep snow adventures
The trees had some real snow up in them.

It was fun but I had to do maintenance as well.

I led the pack out to the viewing platform by the fen.
They couldn't find the trail...they say that's why it's handy to
have a Trail Mutt around.

By the end, I had bounded much, I was starting to get tired.
We had such a good time...

Even though the snow was sticky...
But it was good-n-deep!!

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