Friday, November 27, 2020

Thanksgiving Day adventures at the Deer Marsh Trail.

On Thanksgiving Day the pack had the day off, so we celebrated by heading out in the woods. First up was the Deer Marsh Trail at Lake Ste Kathryn campground. Then we headed up to Courntey Lake, where sadly, we had to concede that camping season is truly over for the year, so we pulled the camper back home. While there we got out for a romp too of course. 

We are loaded up for some adventure!

We've not been down here in some time!

All the mutts love to get in the woods to romp and sniff things.

 Lake Ste Kathryn is our favorite campground.

Keplies like to roll in the snow too!

We head out to check the trail while the old girl stays in the truck.

It is so, so pretty here today.

It's just a 3 mile hike around the Deer Marsh.

First dead-fall found!  Many will be cleared off today.

I sprint ahead when I hear squirrels.

There was lots more snow here than at home. 

We love snow and winter hikes.

Sandy and I checked to see how this tree had came down.
It was sawed!

We found quite a few trees had came down
but we got most of them off the trail, like this one.

Back at the truck.

We check out the campground a bit.

We'll all hike back out to clear a couple of big dead-falls off.

Older trail mutts attend this time.

Ya, this is the trail.

The two legged members get busy.

More found near by.

This took a bit to get cleared.

All done!  Another post to follow for the Courtney Lake stop.

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