Monday, June 24, 2019

Porkies hike!

On Saturday we headed west to meet up with Lane and Linda for a hike in the Porkies State park.
Ya, we hadn't seen you two in some time!
This is going to be a great day on the trail with you.

We drove to the Pinkerton TH with the goal to hike
back to their camp.

Older mutts get a going down to the lake.

It's dried up  much, since we were here this spring.

We're so glad Linda is hiking with us today.

We make it to the 1st creek and of course, took a dip.

Who needs the planks, when you have a nice log.

Shortly in, we meet our favorite kind of people -  kids!

Ya, we just don't get much kid time.
They were from a church camp in WI.

Onward we go!  We stopped for the view over the Little Carp.

Soon we'll be back on the lake shore.

Ya, we'll take a break here.

Hey! We met more kids.

Then we met our hiking friends from Gladstone, who we met
 out on the NCT last summer. They are still at it!
OK, let's get a going again.

Down the Lake Superior trail heading west, we go.
Thimbleberries are out of course.

Not much water in the creeks. Easy fording for the 2-leggeds.

OK, onward and upward.

Oh, next I met some friendly day hikers.

We found squirrel hunting to be good here.

We took a break but kept our eyes open for them.

I don't know why they just can't lap it up like I do. Filters, sheesh!
I found a nice rock to sun myself on.
Yet another gully coming up.

Linda helped with fungus identification.

Watch your step!

The mud holes were pretty dry but a few still had to be
tramped around.

Down, down, down another steep gully.

Then back up this-a-way.

This was quite eroded and very very steep.

Linda used the roots to get some traction.

OK, on the home stretch.

Finally, we made it to the big Presque Isle River.

Trail mutts who hunted all day were ready to follow.

Arly had me jump up on this log. I like doing tricks!

Such a pretty place.

Gotta get one last drink while you can.

Yes, the water's quite low now.
We head to the camp ground. We saw lotsa friendly people
along the path there.

We stayed to have dinner, but it's been such an adventure
filled day, we couldn't keep our eyes open.
I hope we see Lane N Linda again soon!

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