Sunday, November 21, 2021

Weekend trail and snow adventures!

 On Saturday, we met Dave and Lisa to put a kiosk up at the Boundary Road trailhead.

I inspected and approved the digging.

Meghan and her pup Figgy came by!
They live close by so we hope to see them
more this winter.

Next the kiosk got planted.

And then the roof was attached.

Then we went for a romp!

The sun was trying to shine.

I jumped up on all kinds of things. 
Why do they make me do that?

We're so glad it's starting to snow!

Ya, at our house, we prefer the winter weather. 
The old dog enjoyed strolling around in the snow
and relaxing on it as she watched the yard.

1 comment:

  1. looks like you picked a good trail system to "work-on" and upgrade. Looking forward to more photos and comments.
